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2020 Unified SU-UL

Unified SU-UL now ONE SU-UL

Question: Why is Unified SU-UL a threat to few and not to many?

Brothers and Sisters, A lot of tidbit talks going on lately regarding “Unified” SU-UL movement in our social media. It is our hope, to the best of our knowledge, that this post may address your questions or perhaps, shed light and updates to the facts, developments and of other pressing matters related to the subject.


1. Retrospect

In 2016, during the year of our 13th Constitutional Convention, two (2) separate con-con were held in two separate occasion and places. One in Davao City being the birth of Brotherhood-Sisterhood which is later referred to as “sisterhood” and the other in CMU, Bukidnon, the Brotherhood-Fellowship which is later referred to as “fellowship”. Long story short, the division started and continued for 4 years and counting. Since then, members demanded a concrete, feasible and lasting solution from our leaders for reunification but failed. “Fellowship” demanded absolute “dissolution” from “sisterhood” as a solution while “Sisterhood” stood their ground but remains open to a diplomatic solution.


2. For 4 Years and counting

As years unfold, members witnessed how the division resulted from once being of a noble character, respectful, peaceful and united Knights and Ulphans to disrespect, character assassination, legal discussions, varying opinions, unsolicited and hurtful comments, pubic shaming, trash talks, etc. While not all are engaged in these acts, majority prefer to keep silent and stay “neutral” about the issue.


3. Fellowship? Sisterhood or Neutral.

There isn’t such thing as neutral. Either you stand with “Fellowship” or stand with “Sisterhood”. Both does have different CBL’s and Leaders. The idea of being “Neutral” comes from the understanding that while we stood with our principles and by-law’s (Fellowship or Sisterhood), we also acknowledged the fact that one could if he would, lower his pride, open his loving arms, forgive as had been forgiven, peaceable talk and explore a more sustainable, peaceful and lasting means and ways to stay happy and united. Therefore, the Birth of “Unified” SU-UL.


4. Who are the “Unified” SU-UL?

The Vox Populi (voice of the people) who either are from “Fellowship” or “Sisterhood” who had enough of this long stand-off. Those who believed that unity and peace are attainable and are gladly willing to “shake hands” vis-à-vis with the other letting bygones be bygone and respect each other. Those who heard the call of genuine “seekers of unity” and “lover of peace and order”. Those who saw the need to reunite, heal as one and move as one. Those who refuse to let the past complacency of few dictates and defines the future of a stronger and greater United SU-UL. Is this a sign of weak principle? Absolutely not. On the contrary, those who showed Equality, Humility, Forgiveness, Mercy and Love for the sake of UNITY are the greatest strength one could have.


5. SU-UL Preamble

We the member of Sigma-Upsilon Fraternity and Upsilon Lambda Sorority Imploring the guidance of the Divine Providence, In Order to Establish an Organization that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote and develop mutual understanding and secure ourselves the blessing of democracy under the rules of law and justice, love, equality and peace, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution.


6. Way forward

If any of you have had been oriented or re-oriented, indoctrinated to hate and abhor one over the other for they are not “genuine” or “legit” We can assure you that these are the work of few and doesn’t represent the idea of majority. If you stand with “Fellowship” then stand with “Fellowship”. If you stand with “Sisterhood” then stand with “Sisterhood”. But we will not ask you or teach you to elevate yourselves over the other or look down on each other. After all, our creeds remind us that "you may consider me as your enemy, and yet you are still my brother." "Treat me how you would consider. Yet, you are still my sister." T"he Fine treatment, and this good thing im showing you is are injected in my blood when we join the knighthood/ulphanhood." KEEP THIS AND PRESERVE IT TOO FOREVER.


7. Exploratory Talk to Unified SU-UL

Concurrent to the Exploratory Talk (representatives from Fellowship and Sisterhood) happened this year is the birth of “Unified” SU-UL group. Consists also of People from “Fellowship” and “Sisterhood”. Therefore, the overall Objective and Aim of the group are

1. To cultivate a culture of Peace, Respect and stay united amidst diversity of principles and ideology.

2. To support ongoing measures or movement of Unity initiative from Fellowship or Sisterhood to unity.

3. To put pressure and show to our leaders that the only thing left to surrender are their walls of ego’s and pride to attain unity and lasting peace.

Question: "Unified SU-UL" Unconstitutional?

SU-UL is a Democratic Organization. The CBL doesn't prohibit any member with same cause joining a e.g union, faction or groups. Similar to having Minority/Majority group in the Senate/Congress, or being a member of a Union in the company you are working with.

Quoting Prof. Madison defines a faction as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community"

In short: Wala gi bawas sa atong CBL nga ikaw member sa "Fellowship" maki pag union sa kapwa "Fellowship" or "Sisterhood" nga pariho nimo ug baroganan.

Therefore, "Unified SU-UL" consist of members from "Fellowship" and "Sisterhood" who are united with a cause

Question: "Objective sa Unified SU-UL"?

4 years and counting. Since then, members demanded a concrete, feasible and lasting solution from our leaders for reunification but failed. Thus Unified SU-UL's aim to wit:

1. To cultivate a culture of Peace, Respect and stay united amidst diversity of principles and ideology.

2. To support ongoing measures or movement of Unity initiative from Fellowship or Sisterhood to unity.

3. To put pressure and show to our leaders that the only thing left to surrender are their walls of ego’s and pride to attain unity and lasting peace.

Nothing in the above points violate any rules, regulates and provision in our CBL. On the Contrary the following Articles in our CBL upholds it's Objective, Declaration of Principles and Bill of Rights.


Article II Section 1 - The organization should promote Unity, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, Fellowship and Service to all races of men regardless of their religious affiliation.


Article II Section 3 - To enable members to come together, develop sincere cooperation and understanding, to discuss problems and find ways and means for its solutions.


Article II Section 7 - To serve as medium of member’s views, suggestions and grievances.


Article III Section 2 - The members should adopt the generally accepted policies of the organization and live with the norms of unity, peace, equality, justice and freedom.


Article VI Section 1 The members shall have the right to participate on the deliberation of all organization’s activities.


Article VI Section 8 The right to free expression of opinions and suggestions, and to effective channels of communications.

This will also wake them up from their responsibility as mandated by our Constitution ARTICLE I Section 1 The organization shall be called “Sigma Upsilon Fraternity – Upsilon Lambda Sorority” signifying the phrase “Seekers of Unity and Unity of Life,” respectively.

1973 - History of Knight and Ulphans (Brotherhood and Fellowship)

2016 - History of Knight and Ulphans (Fellowship and Sisterhood)

2020 - History of Knight and Ulphans (Unified SU-UL)

2022 - History of Knight and Ulphans (One SU-UL)

#Fraternity #Sorority #KnightsandUlphans

Yesterday is pain and agony, torture and mockery.
We strove to be a noble and strove ourselves worthy of being a noble.

We made ourselves a strong foundation, a ladder to our ambition.

We made ourselves a living sacrifice to break the cage we're in.

And the Chain on our wrist is the symbol of being a slave.

So here's our ambition and here's our success.

For yesterday was just a nightmare a rummage to forget.

Today is the tomorrow we dreamed yesterday.

So let us burn the traces of the past and be a Knight and Ulphan

for the rest of our lives.

Sir Knight Ricardo Marteriz

Our Creed

Knight's Creed

I am a knight, not an ordinary man as you may think. I am your friend, defender of human rights, lover of peace and order. You may consider me as your enemy & yet , you are still my brother, the fine treatment i am showing you is injected on my blood when i joined the knighthood, preserve it too, and cease from stepping on my toe, for grudges begin when maltreatment comes in.

Ulphan's Creed

I am an Ulphan, weak by the use of force, yet strong enough to stand by your side with my helping hands. Defender of human right, lover of peace and order. Treat me how you would consider, yet, you are still my sister. This good thing is injected in my blood when I joined the Ulphanhood. Keep this and preserve it too forever.

Our Mission

Our Songs

"No Man is an Island"

No Man is an Island
No man is an island,
No man stands alone,
Each man's joy is joy to me,
Each man's grief is my own.

We need one another,
So I will defend,
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.

I saw the people gather,
I heard the music start,
The song that they were singing,
Is ringing in my heart.

"Seekers of Unity"

Here we are with pure hearts are we
Seekers of unity
Men with principles are we
Bound together forever as we
Meeting good faces of KNIGHTS and ULPHANS
In every chapter we do abide
Giving our signs and shaking our hands

Forever we bow
You’re the guiding flame for us
In you we live, in you we learn
The spirit of unity
Forever we won’t forget
Forever we won’t forget

Forever we bow
You’re the guiding flame for us
In you we live in you we learn
The spirit of unity
Forever we won’t forget
Forever we won’t forget

© 2024 Sigma Upsilon - Upsilon Lambda | Knights and Ulphans

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